Posted by Lou Pilder on October 12, 2004, at 12:05:24
In reply to Re: Lou's request, posted by Dr. Bob on October 12, 2004, at 7:19:34
I requested that you make a determination as to the acceptability of a statement. You replied,[...I think I see what you mean, but that is not how I read it, so I am going to let it stand...].
You do state that you think that you see what I mean. The statement in question has IMO the potential to have others think that all faiths are {inferior} to the faith that has Christ because the poster writes that Christ will be {Lord of all}. Does that not have the potential to be considerd by others to be putting down those of other faiths because the thinking here could be that other Gods are in subjecation to the {Lord of all}, which is Christ according to the satement?
You write [...not how I see it...] Then could you explain how you see it and then I would have the opportunity to respond accordingly?
I am requesting that the statement be deleted or some sort of notation made by the post to have others feel that the post is not acceptable because you do write that you see what I mean and I feel that since it is visible by me and you , then others could see it also and possibly think that the statement in question puts down those of other faiths. It is my understanding that your rule is to not post anything that could put down other faiths. If the dstatement does do that, and you see what I mean, then would that not be the criteria for stateing that thepost is unacceptable rather than {how you read it}?
Lou Pilder
poster:Lou Pilder