Posted by fallsfall on July 28, 2003, at 23:20:21
In reply to Computer Challenged, posted by whiterabbit on July 22, 2003, at 20:41:43
If my brain worked then I could tell you the answer right away. For now, I'll explain the problem and then I'll ask my friend if she knows the answer.
I assume that you know how to change from one font to another in a word processing document? (So the letters are in a different style) There are some things that work sort of like fonts, but they don't have a character for each letter of the alphabet (an example might be a "font" that only has numbers, no letters). Each time you try to use one of the characters that aren't in the "font" it shows a square instead.
So what is happening is when you are trying to display the character on your screen the "font" that you are using doesn't have that character - so it shows a square. But you are sending information about the character correctly to Dr. Bob's computer, so when he displays it the right character is put up.
If I don't give you an answer by Wednesday, ask me again - my brain doesn't remember to ask my friend the question sometimes, or it does, but it doesn't remember to type the answer to you.