Posted by Lou Pilder on April 4, 2003, at 14:27:21
In reply to Lou's suggestion for a test for [pressuring]-5, posted by Lou Pilder on April 4, 2003, at 14:14:00
The sixth test to determine if the post constitute [pressuring a poster] would be to ask:
Is the question asking for the poster that wrote the post to {identify} a spacific part of what they wrote.
If so, then the question has a valid foundation, for without the identifying of the spacific aspect of the post that was written, there could not be any valid discussion, unless one guesses correctly at what it is that they are requesting identification of, and I do not believe that we are requiered to guess at what the poster is referrring to, for if we had to guess correctly, then we could also guess incorrectly and go off the subject at hand. My expert in communication calls those type of posts, that do not identify what they are writinfg about, [sandbagging].
poster:Lou Pilder