Posted by Dr. Bob on December 23, 2002, at 17:05:15
In reply to Re: putting down another's belief, posted by Dr. Bob on December 22, 2002, at 11:07:52
Re: putting down to another's belief » rayww
Posted by Lou Pilder on December 22, 2002, at 11:28:34
In reply to Re: putting down to
You wrote, [...just because I believe in X doesn't mean I can't accept or believe in Y. The problem lies in the percepton...]
Are you saying that (1),[your belief, as you have stated here to be Mormonism,] allows you to accept, let's say, my belief as Judaism, and (2), that you [could] also [believe] in Judaism?
When you wrote that, [the problem lies in the perception...], then could the following disclaimer, if it was included in the opening page of the faith board, in your opinion, take care of [the problem]?
Faith Board Disclaimer {proposed sample by Lou Pilder}
The faith experiances described on this board are those that the posters have experianced to have helped them to overcome, or enable them to deal better with their disorder(s). They are not saying that your faith could not do the same for you or that if you post your faith that is different than theirs, that they will not accept your faith, or possibly believe in yours.
Example post:[ My God says to me that I must be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of God]
The faith board takes the position that the poster's statement means:
a)that it is the poster's God that says to [the poster] that he/she must [be born again] , not that others must be born again. There could be another God, to you, that does not requier one to be born again. There may even be another [kingdom of God] that you could enter by way of a different God from theirs. The faith board is open to all [faiths in God] and the fact that one poster is dscribing their faith in God does not mean that it is the [only] faith or the only way to overcomming your affliction(s) or the only way to go on to an afterlife. So if posters here say that they [believe in Jesus] for their salvation, that does not mean that they are saying that you have to believe in Jesus for your salvation, for the posters here have been invited to share what has "worked for them"
If you could comment on this, I would appreciate it.
Re: putting down to another's belief (2) » rayww
Posted by Lou Pilder on December 22, 2002, at 12:54:54
In reply to
You wrote, [....The problem lies in the perception of the reader.]
Next is another sample disclaimer that I would like to propose to be on the opening page of the faith board that I would like you to examine and state your opinion as to if it would solve [the problem] of the [perception] that you wrote of.
Faith Board Disclaimer(2) {proposed sample by Lou Pilder}
The following posts on the faith board have the potential for others to disagree with. The faith board takes the position that there will be disagreement, but that the disagreement(s) do not mean that any one faith in God is preferred over any other faith in God, for reasonable people can, and do, disagree about faith in God as well as other topics. There will be disagreement as to the basic foundation of poster's faiths. The faith board takes the position that we all have tolerance to other faiths and accept that the foundation(s) of, let's say, Judaism is not the same as , let's say, polytheism. The faith board takes the position that niether one's foundation "puts down" the other's foundation, for their respective foundations are for those in that faith [only] and the posters are not saying that others must be of a faith in God that has their foundation . All faiths in God are welcome here for all have been invited to tell of what "worked for them" without the fear of being accused of putting other faiths in God down because of what their faith in God is founded on. If the faith board excluded any particular faith in God, then all faiths in God would not be represented here, and the faith board is established to welcome all faiths in God. The faith board takes the position that there could be a faith that is founded on many Gods just as well as a faith founded on one God and just because, let's say, that a poster's faith is founded in, let's say, [obeying Jesus], that does not mean that they are saying that others must obey Jesus, and just because ,let's say, a poster's faith in God is founded on the belief that they shall not have any other Gods , other than the one God that they have faith in , before Him , that does not man that others can not have other Gods before the God(s) that they have their faith in. And just because it may appear that a poster's experiance that they are sharing here has the potential to be of help to others, because it was a help to them, that does not mean that you should follow their chosen path for they are not writing that their path is the path that you [should] follow, but only the path that they found themselves following and they have been invited to share their experiance in faith in God here for if it helped them it [has the potential to help others].You may be on another path and have another God than the one that the poster is writing about and the posters here are not saying that you should be on their road, but only telling of how thier faith in God helped them. So the faith board does not take the position that there is a [right] road, or an [only] road. The administration does not endorse a particular faith in God and the posts that you read here are of the poster's experiances only. If the administration was to exclude any one faith in God, then the administration would be demaning the faith in God that they excluded and would elevate the other faiths in God. So all faiths in God are welcome to be shared here, and all are invited to share what "worked for them" without condemnation.
I would appreciate any comments on this proposal.
Re: Banning or Shunning? » rayww
Posted by NikkiT2 on December 23, 2002, at 9:26:42
In reply to
This is just my opinion... so don't take it as the rules or anything.
The way I see it, it is OK to say that your religion helps you, and you feel it could help others. But what is not right, and what does tend to come across in your posts, is the thought that your religion is the only religion that matters, and that you think less of people with other religions and belief systems.
IO know you have mentione dpreviosult that religions such as Islam, Judaism etc are also OK, but these are all God based religions.
Many of us have spirituality without believing in a god (Buddhism for example... Buddha is not a God per se). Your posts are often quite anti people that ahve no God.
Re: Banning or Shunning? » NikkiT2
Posted by Lou Pilder on December 23, 2002, at 9:47:40
In reply to Re: Banning or Shunning? » rayww, posted by NikkiT2 on December 23, 2002, at 9:26:42
Thank you for your interest in this discusson. You wrote that you thought that rayww's post exibited the thought that , [...your religion is the only religion that matters...].
Could you clarify what posts are the ones that you think exibit he thought that his/her religion is the [only religion that matters?]
If you could, then I could have a better understanding of your post nd be better able to discuss your thoughts in your post with you.
poster:Dr. Bob