Posted by Mark H. on April 10, 2002, at 11:30:32
Fellow Babblers,
Dr. Bob is our moderator and we ask a lot of him. As we all know, he carries this board on his own time and out of his own pocket. It's especially difficult to balance and encourage open discussion with the need to exercise enough decisive discretion (in terms of warning, blocking and deleting) to keep these boards running smoothly. There's nothing enjoyable about having to censor or chastise people whose contributions to this board he admires and respects, people he cares about as we all do.
While Dr. Bob is the leader and champion of open discussion of mental health issues on the Internet, and therefore sometimes seems bigger-than-life (to some of us), it's important to remember during painful times like these that he's also a person and a mental health professional who struggles with difficult feelings like the rest of us when our community loses someone to suicide.
Important admnistrative issues still need to be discussed, and I don't mean to detract in any way from the validity of the concerns about blocking and deleting posts, and other issues that have been raised.
To the extent we can, however, this is a good time to offer Dr. Bob support even for those decisions with which we disagree, at least until the current crisis is a little further behind us.
Mark H.
poster:Mark H.