Posted by steve on March 4, 2001, at 19:25:41
In reply to Re: Dr. Bob, would you have a reply » steve, posted by JahL on March 4, 2001, at 12:36:36
I can see how you meant to imply that banning the discussion of cars would be unconstitutional. But it wasn't clear from how you phrased it.
As for the 'Molecular brain surgery' issue. It is generally understood in research circles that all psychotropics work by affecting the brain's structure. Downregulation and changes to DNA expression are some of the things that happen. Cam W. can tell you how SSRIs affect, at the very least, 5HT, CRF, NA, GR and DA receptors. THey also cause the production of brain derived neurotrophic factor, which is actually believed to cause mild (re) growth of the hippocampus. And yes, those are structural changes.
> > > Your reply fails to address the points I make.
> I am not obliged to address anything! I choose to reply to those points I take exception to, or those which I think are badly thought out (see: your tax analogy)
> > > Freedom of speech is a great thing, it means that anyone can say anthing, no matter how misguided, stupid or vile, as the Ku Klux Klan can attest. It does NOT mean that private citizens are obliged to let people vent such speech on private premises. Nobody has a constitutional right to post on a private bulletin board, I don't know where you come up with such notions.
> I don't know where you get yr inferences from.
> Steve, go back & read my post properly & you will see I said it would be unconstitutional to prohibit discussing CARS! due to their inherent danger. Nowhere do I use the word unconstitutional in relation to posting on a private board. Please get yr facts straight before calling my integrity of intellect into question. If we're gonna debate, let's play by the rules, shall we?
> Oh & you *do* have a constitutional right to post; no-one can legally prevent you from trying. However it is up to the owner of the site whether you yr post is accepted.
> > > The second point where I think there is some confusion is in regards to what I complained about. I have no problem with anyone posting treatment guidelines for different illnesses, in fact it is commendable. However to suggest that people go for potentially life threatening treatments without proper oversight is another matter. Surely you wouldn't suggest a do it yourself cardiological work up? Or a non doctor performing heart surgery? Then why do you stand up for someone one who wants a non doctor to perform molecular brain surgery?
> *Show* me where I stood up for Salarmy. I criticised his posts as irresponsible (again Steve, you are not reading my posts properly). I merely defended the right of individuals on this board to discuss the thorny issue of self-medication generally. As a self-medicator, I felt some affront at yr original post; you were effectively branding me and others like me a criminal because I choose to to ignore laws which work to the detriment of MY hlth.
> AGAIN (!), if you actually read my posts you will see that I *don't* encourage self-treatment.
> 'Molecular brain surgery'. How does taking a tablet equate to surgery? That's just silly hysteria (sorry Dr Bob.). Is taking beta-blockers equivalent to 'open-heart surgery? I think not!!!
> I've said what I set out to & I think we shld accept we're not going to agree wholly. You shld consider yourself lucky that you do not suffer from a combination of a life-threatening disorder, and useless, apathetic pdocs. This would explain yr lack of empathy.
> Sincerely,
> Jah.