Posted by Cam W. on February 1, 2001, at 0:01:17
In reply to I leaving....Bye !, posted by stjames on January 31, 2001, at 22:40:27
> I feel it is time for me to leave. Some of it has to do with work, which the last month got really sticky. I have been on Atavin daily. A quick check o the market indicates I am way under paid so I am really mad that i did not do this sooner.
••I am truly saddened to see you go, but believe me I understand your reasons.•
> In general I don't have critisimisms of the board, it is more that my needs are not being met. Also there seems an endless amount of hurting people out there
> and the same questions get asked again and again. (Again this is not a crit; people do need info and it is great they can come here, but this boars me after a while. I also have some real life friends who need me more at present and this board is eating up my compassion i need to have for them.
••It is the hurting that keeps me here. Trying to help people live within their hurt is my job, something that I grew up observing and have been able to use my experiences to try to help those in need, but this IS my career, it needn't be yours.•
••I fully understand that "real live" friends do come first. I do consider you a friend, but we have never met personally, so I do not believe that we can be true friends until we spend some time together (similar to what Greg and I are doing next week). I still do plan on visiting you within the next couple of years, though. I have so many questions to ask you, and still so much to learn from you.•
••Perhaps we can go on a trip together; camping or something like that. If you do get the opportunity you must come up my way and we can do Banff (a truly awe-inspiring place). Away from the tourism, it is so tranquil and serene that you will not be able to think of Ativan. I'd love to visit your neck of the woods (I know, wrong description), as well. I'll bet your sunsets are awe-inspiring, as well.•
••Yes, the same questions over and over do become tiresome, but perhaps it is a necessary evil. I do think that an updated Tips section can address this aspect of the board. It would be nice to send newcomers to a place where all of this info is integrated. I do no think that the Pyscho-Babble Tips forum on Yahoo fits this need. The information needs to laid out in a format in which references and, if necessary, links can be provided. This would be a tremendous undertaking and is beyond the scope of what either you or I could do in our spare time.•
> Some things have pushed me over the top. Kazoo has a past of posting clearly wrong information or advice that was poorly thought out and I have corrected him.
> Do not assume this is ego; I am very conserned that info presented here is correct. I have made some gafs, too. He then insults me. Once is fine, twice is pushing it but I feel he should of been banned the last time. The info in his post was so easy to debunk on the internet. Yes I did accept his appology, it is the civil thing to do.
>I found R.Anne to be very hostle and the issue was over well held facts. She asked me to prove them; my conclusion was that it would be better to find a place where there was no need to debate well held facts. I can debate for hours and never let it get personal. I feel I will do better posting where others have the same mind set. It is not fun to simply disagree and then get attacked.
••We all seem to know at least one person on this board who can "push our buttons". This is a different person for each one of us. I am fairly sure I know who that person is for me. It is the same person who has provoked me in the past.•
> The overseas med thing, without a docs input, conserns me. Some of the questions indicate some will try anything and don't have a good grasp of the medical issues.
••This concerns me very deeply, as well. No one, not even a psychiatrist, should treat themselves for a psychiatric disorder. There must be someone who has an objective view to another's treatment. If you have noticed, I have never given advice to someone who is self-prescribing.•
>When the same person asks many questions daily I cannot help but think they have not done enough work on their own. I get very frustrated when people say things like "if it is long or has a lot of links I ignore it" I like to exchange info, I post a lot here and it seems like few use it.••Long drawn out posts are legitimate when they have something truly to say. As Albert Einstein said, "Make things as simple as possible, but never too simple."•
>I have found a place where there is more info exchange both ways and will spend more time there.
••If it isn't to much to ask, could you ask the people in this group if they would mind my joining. That is, if I have something valid to contribute to this group. You know how to contact me. (I think that I might know where you mean, but I'd still like the approval of the group).•>I am also conserned about the negative influance of Name on folks that are functioning poorly and don't have my skills to see through what he/she posts. To many are already shaky about trust issues and Name has made his point (I'm all for that) but enough is enough.
•• comment.•
> I would not change anything on the list. That is not the point of this post. My needs have changed. I have done very well on meds for 16 yrs and the constant pleas of more hurting people is begining to effect me.
••Believe me when I say that I understand.•
> I learned a long time ago that many will ask for help but few will do anything. Too many persons don't answer my questions (always the big ones). This is not a crit, more a fact of life that I accept. i need to concentrate one myself at present and family (real life) that needs my help and is really willing the change.
••Family, extended or otherwise, ALWAYS COMES FIRST.•
> I have been here ~2 years and was very florid in posting, so if you would like to know what "StJames would say about this" the archives will answer your
questions. In a pinch, if it is not in the archives, ask Cam or Racer to get my opinion. Racer is so cool and is the ONLY person from the net that has my home phone #, even after being on the net for 10 yrs. That really says something about her ! Cam is such a great person, there are few people from the net I want to meet in person, Cam is one of them. Dr. Bob is, too, and Racer. I have a 4WD Jeep and have always wanted to see the Arouras and our neighbors to the north, so who knows. I would love to go see Racer but Calif has bad connitations for me, I used to know so many wonderful people there but they are now dead from AIDS in the 1980's, partly because Regan did not mention AIDS anytime in his term. If my friends would have known eariler that unsafe sex was killing them they might be alive. At least I was younger then these friends and got this info so i am negative.
••Dude, I'm going holding you to that trip, even if it is only for a week or two. The Gulf Islnads off of the coast of British Columbia are also facinating and I know a place where we can stay, at a very reasonable rate. Secluded...deer...whales...fauna that is like stepping back in time (and even a cheesy little pub).•
> Opps, way off track ! 2 nd Atavin is kicking it ! I said "bye" in the subject, which seems to final. How about this:
> Aufwiedersen
> James
•Have a pleasant journey on this rollercoaster we call life, James, my cyberfriend. I hope that some day we can meet, to become real friends.•
•Love - Cam•
poster:Cam W.