Posted by porkpiehat on July 19, 2016, at 23:22:42
visited a new pdoc yesterday after ending SSRIs in feb. I have been extremely dysthymic, unmotivated and socially anxious/ruminous since feb. Interestingly I have felt very nice and "still" inside, as well as emotionally vulnerable instead of blocked, which is a relief after 15 years on SSRI and lamictal.
She insisted I go up to 200mg of lamictal from 150mg even though I said it gives me headaches, flu symptoms, sleep problems and possibly mixed symptoms.
This morning I took my full 150 dose instead of splitting and BAM. Hyper and racy. Lots of sex drive but also agitated and irritable. The aggitation got worse as the day continued, even after food. The flueyness is totally gone, but it took a little bit of klonopin and two beers to not feel like I wanted to jump out of my skin and dropkick my cat across the room.
Certainly not depressed, however, and I focused on homework I have been constantly dropping in favor of TV. I feel a little like I'm back on track, and I have felt like this before.
I emailed the doctor, who said I should push through it unless I felt suicidal or dangerous.
Can lamictal cause this kind of aggitation without it being a mixed state? We know they exist. This reaction is definitely more likely with the brand name or Teva pill, whereas the others are more likely to leave me more still and depressed.
I dunno this feels good but not right, and I'm not committing to her as a doctor yet.