Posted by Hello321 on September 21, 2015, at 15:32:02
In reply to Re: Young people on SSRI's commit more crimes?, posted by Hello321 on September 21, 2015, at 14:04:32
If youd care to, list some "professionals" with extensive careers that you still feel you are more knowledgeable on certain fundamental topics than that they are involved in on a regular basis.
Certain psychiatrist, maybe? An MD? Politicians? certain people in charge at the FDA? EPA? You might feel that increasing fuel mileage and safety standards is a bad idea because it would make new cars more unaffordable for those with a lower income. And that man-made global climate change is a myth, with all the laws/regulations put in place by them being unnecessary or even harmful to the public. Maybe you feel the US should keep its nose out of the business of other nations more, even while there are top level army generals who think the opposite? Maybe you think abortion in certain/most/all cases is wrong, while the mother with her unique situation in life sees it as being for the best. I could go on.
Im sure you have ideas on certain controversial topics that go against the ideas of many with extensive careers dealing with these topics. So no, a history of dealing with these things doesnt always equate to having the best ideas.