Posted by Vincent_QC on May 18, 2013, at 10:51:06
Hi everyone,
Last evening I watch a TV show about Sid Vicious and how he die and they explain that he died from a fatal dose of heroin and also huge dose of Tuinal... and they show those pills on TV and when I saw them I said to myself "Oh my god, those red and blue pills are what I was used to buy when I was a teen"!!!I never know what was those blue and red pills call "peanut" or "downer" back in 1989-1990... I never realise that it was a barbiturate and certainly never realise that it was a dangerous drug!!!
I was used to buy A LOT of them at the same time, it was very cheap and for 5$ we had 10 pills and was used to take 5 pills in the same night...
I remember very well the effect of them, it was so good, I never felt so relax in my life that when I took those pills!!! Was used to take them to calm down after a cahotic trip of PCP or LSD, I guess mixing those pills with those other drugs was very dangerous and i'm glad that I never die from it!!!
I was only 14 yo at the time, at this age we don't realise how dangerous street drugs or pills are, we only want to have fun...
One night I remember that I took 6 pills of Tuinal at the same time insistead of the usual 5 pills and I was walking in the street with my friends and suddenly I felt on the ground, I wasn't able to walk, wasn't able to stay on my legs...Stay sit for hours in the middle of the street laug/ Those pills was a lot stronger and more anxiolytic then the benzo drugs for sure!!!
In 1991 the drug sellers stop selling them, apparently in the Canada they discontinued them so they start selling benzo meds, most of the time it was the Ativan in sample packs of 2 pills of 0.5 mg, they had a weird shape as I remember and it was Ativan pills for sure since I saw some pictures of the sample pack of Ativan pills on Google...
I completly stop buying pills from those sellers cause I didn't liked the effect of the benzo, it wasnt as good as the Tuinal. The last time I bought some pills, it was 7 sample packs of Ativan 0.5mg... I took the 14 pills at the same time, 1 hours later my friends had to bring me home, all that I remember from that night is that I Wake up after I slept for 18 hours in a row, from 10 PM until 4 PM in the next day!!! My parents was out of the town for the weekend and my sister was at home to watch me... she try to wake me up several times that day cause she didn't find it normal that I slept for that long...
I did a quick search on Google but I think the TUINAL drug is discontinued all around the world no? The only one barbaturate they still have in the Canada is the phenobarbita, they use it mostly for rapid withdrawal of benzo meds at the hospital and for seizure...
I Wonder why they stop making those pills, I mean they are soo good for anxiety, they work better than benzo meds... I guess it's because they are not safe when taking in overdose?
I know that now we have safer meds to help with the anxiety, but for someone like me, who is addicted to the benzo meds and immunized to their effect, and who can't take an AD cause he is med sensitive, i'm sure it will be a good second or third line option no?
Someone else here took them and remember their effects???
Well, only wanted to share some good old memories!!!