Posted by atypical on March 17, 2013, at 19:26:18
Two questions about Lithium ER:
1) I take 900mg of Lithium as an augment and, as a way to very very gradually reduce the medication I have been cutting one unscored 300 mg extended release tablet in half with a pill slicer. So I have been on 750 mg. I haven't noticed any untoward effects over the past two months since doing this. Has anyone else done this or have any cautions about this. I know this does disrupt how the drug is absorbed into the body ... But I figure as long as the medicine is getting in the body, it's fine.
2) When a drug like Lithium has a therapeutic range, if you are taking a dose that leads to a subtherapeutic blood level, does that mean, then, that stopping the medication or maintaining it at that dose are basically the same thing? Therefore you might as well just stop the medication?