Posted by schleprock on December 22, 2012, at 20:16:25
In reply to Melancholia is my existence, my life. Please read., posted by alabamaauthor on December 21, 2012, at 19:57:49
Hi, my name is schleprock, and I'm an unemployed loser, and will probably remain so for the foreseeable future due to an unfortunate chain of events that began when a so-called psychiatrist decided on a whim that I was bi-polar and became determined to disrupt what was until then very successful antidepressant regimen. At least until I kill myself. But in the indeterminate amount of time I have left, I'm not sure if it can be justified spent looking at overwhelming amounts of text with no clear and concise separation of thoughts arranged in a structure that would provide a comfortable and courteous degree of pacing for the reader. There is a limit to how much disorganization I can tolerate, due to the delirium I currently suffer as the result of mind-altering drugs. As one who has had recent experience with melancholia, I would have been interested in reading the above post, which makes the aforementioned circumstances all the worse. I already have enough trouble with Lou Pilder's posts, which I must admit I have no choice but to briefly skim.
Due to the disproportionate amount of anger and hostility directed against me by all in this thread, and the case that I have a very Jewish-sounding name, I must echo Lou Pilder's sentiments that flagrant anti-Semitism is permitted to run loose across this network.
I have no doubt that most of you are already plotting against me, and plan to make every thread consist of nothing but posts of walls of text in an effort to drive me off of the forum for good. I am sorry that Dr. Hsuing has let it come to this.