Posted by Phil on October 29, 2012, at 21:13:36
In reply to I'm outta the patient role, posted by Christ_empowered on October 29, 2012, at 20:14:55
Thanks for your opinion. An interviewer asked Rev Billy Graham, with your unmovable faith in Christ why do you get checkups and see doctors? He said God made us all and gave all of us unique gifts. I see doctors because they were put here to heal us by God. Faith alone will not make you well.
Rev Graham was the real deal. I liked him and watched his broadcasts even when I didn't give a hoot about God. No one else in history could do an alter call and pull thousands of people in ever corner of the world. He only drew a $50,000 salary from the biggest ministry on the planet. Good luck.One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche