Posted by Phil on October 18, 2012, at 15:39:34
Maybe that is accurate, I'll talk it over with my therapist. I come and go here like the wind these days and I'm not saying that I am as pleasant as I used to be. All of these meds, what to do?
This place has changed a lot but everything changes over time. For all I know, Dr Bob is having a blast seeing how the board runs now versus block time.
But one thing is for sure, this place lost 95% of the best people back then. I wouldn't be fighting these battles, I wouldn't get a word in edgewise. People would not take any bs and were very vocal about it. Till they were blocked for 6 months.
As far as my hot button, the deathometer? Should have just not read it. My mistake. Should not have reacted in anger and disgust. Should have found a new person who had a question that I actually knew the answer to. I just don't have many answers these days. I'm doing my best to stay between the lines myself and anger is my enemy. People are people and learning to deal with them, no matter how wrong I think they are is what I am still learning.
I've told friends that were angry at someone not to lose their temper because you will lose the battle. They said. what? Nevermind.
I definitely don't won't to lower myself to the behavior of two people wanting to be prez for the next four years but especially Mitt and his son who said he wanted to clock a sitting president.
Nope, I'm on high ground compared to them but there's always room for improvement.One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
Friedrich Nietzsche