Posted by Lepus on June 21, 2012, at 21:34:01
I have been having a particularly rough time lately. I've been having a lot of medical problems. I've been in the hospital a couple of times. I have learned doctors, nurses and dieticians know NOTHING about MAOIs. I was almost given 2 drugs that would have either given me serotonin syndrome or sent me into a hypertensive crisis. Luckily I either knew I couldn't take the drug or I told the nurse to check.
Now I have to have an endoscopy and colonoscopy. I will be knocked out. They are using propofol. I think that is the name of it. My understanding is that it is safe with Nardil. But I'm worried about what they might try to give me while I'm out and can't tell them to check. Does anyone have a list of meds I can't take that I can give to the doctor?
I'm also worried about the colonoscopy prep. Most broths have yeast extracts. I get reactive hypoglycemia so having a lot of sugar or Gatorade is bad for me. What have other people used to stay hydrated? I was considering Ultima Replenisher but I don't know if I can have Stevia (sweetner). Does anyone know?
I'm terrified and about to cancel this procedure. I don't trust medical personnel at all anymore.