Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on May 27, 2012, at 15:29:25
i've stated this many times before but the medication im taking has no effect at all....yesturday I started putting it under my tongue...the nuvigil tastes like rotten sour cream with spice to it, its nasty. But after about an didnt what could be some suggestions about what is causing it the blood not taking it to the brain? or..the brain adapting to it because it is supertolerant to all substances that I put in my body. The only way I know that works in when I inhale substances in smoke..i hate to say this but I am having to use methamphetamine to treat my severe attention and depression that seems will usally change it for about 8 hours...wears off but still has nasty psyhological withdrawl effects within the next 24 hours after intake. Emotional instability, crying for long periods of time with no external reason, usally it exerbates my awareness of being somewhat mentally impaired and memories of being a failure. All I can say is that methamphetamine will make you think evil thoughts and live in a delusion of you can't be beaten, power...then it leaves.
But anyways let me just get back to the point, beccause if switch around on diffrent medications this could happen with other medications too. So im asking you who ever reads this...what do think? so I can at least have some knowedge to tell my doctor to get referred to other doctors to see what is causing this.
1) Take medication...thinking it will take effect soon.
2) Nothing changes at all, and I stay in the depths of depression, and have to resort to methamphetamine use.please tell me facts only what you think is causing this. Therories in paticular, I will be vary grateful for your imput.
I am not a scholar but I do understand distress.
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