Posted by rjlockhart04-08 on May 8, 2012, at 0:54:44
Idiot was born to his father dumb and his wife est. Idiot had a good life, his friends stupid and moron where amoung his favorite people he associated himself with, but above all he loved his brother twit... Idiot loved to run in circles...he did so many times he got sick and got up and did it again, thinking if he danced in circle he would achieve his life goal. And idiot did that vary thing....after that idiot started thinking running in circles was getting a bit hard, and idiot decided he need to study on how to run in circle better. Idiot walked to the library and read a book on corn crop circles, and enrolled himself in the all time lowlife society. Idiot was thrilled about learning about this new philospohy of corn crop circles he had to make sure everyone was included in his new life goal. Deadbeat and lazy and baldie and various friends from fraud's bank he went to decided they would take a venture to a corn crop farm...Deadbeat walked around and said "gee" what am I going to do with all these crops? make myself a bed and sleep for the rest of my life?? stupid walked around and started to eat the corn crops because he was hungry...until pinhead showed up and decided to tell stupid he should call bald flubber to join. Idiot...having his divine wisdom of his father proclaimed they would make a circle and dance around until they made a complete circle so they could call upon the Gods to save them from their nuerosis from unintelligence. Soon they all danced round and round and made a circle. Soon they where so happy they all made their adventure to doony dimwits house and had barbaric beer and all found happiness for their miserable lives. Idiot went to the store to buy some more corn crop seeds to plant for the next years big dance, idiot staring at the ceiling thinking God would lead him to his destination...corn crop seeds, but ended up in the spice section and saw cinnomon and rerember his wise words from father dumb.."the gods love you to burn insense to them, and they will come when they smell the stupidy of men" Idiot also rerember his dear mother Est used to dump cinnomon on his head when his enemies wit, charm, and knowedge used to dump threw him into the sewer left for dead, his mother loved him so much that she used cimmion to doctor all his needs. After having the vision and started going forward walked into the isle and caused a complete collapse of the whole store...but idiot was not disappointed, he found his cimmomin and some flour, eggs, peroxide. Idiot returned with his prized belongings and ran into twit...and twit said that the rest of the embezles had waited for the Lord Lucifer and failed to meet his insense rituals, they asked the god of confusion who showed up and gave them advise that they should soak themsevles in flour and peroxide, and they saw their long lost embesule..idiot and twit. Twit had a vary big head, moron was long and skinny, and stupid was short and chubby they decided they would put themselves together and mix the holy cimminmon and peroxide, and to save the eggs and flour for dimwits present to bonehead. They made the holy solution and Lord Lucifer came...and told everyone of them how expintible and precious they where that he asked them to go out into the city and jump off a building, but before they did this act... Twit did not understand lord lucifer and asked idiot if he should run in circles. Lord Lucifer told twit he cared him, and said he would make a great janitor working at mensa society. Twit ofcourse asked what is janitor, and the lord of madness propted twit to go on his jorney to find a job....
to be continued...
I am not a scholar but I do understand distress.
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