Posted by Lou Pilder on March 23, 2012, at 16:45:47 [reposted on March 27, 2012, at 22:20:36 | original URL]
In reply to Lou's response- How the drugs kill, posted by Lou Pilder on March 22, 2012, at 7:58:44
> > > > Using the generally accepted amount of deaths last year from these drugs to be about 42,000
> > >
> > > It is NOT generally accepted, and this fact was made clear by another poster, but you refused to respond to his post.
> > >
> > > > then even if that rate stays constant, millions of people could die from these drugs in the years ahead as 42,000 per year.
> > >
> > > You are repeating the same misinformation over and over. They are exaggerations, and have thus far not been supported by any citations you have produced.
> > >
> > > Shall we investigate the validity of your words? Where did you get the idea that psychotropic drugs cause, by their actions, 42,000 deaths per year? Let's see what you use for sources of information. Let us remain focused on 42,000.
> > >
> > > > I am not anti-drug. I am anti-death
> > >
> > > Most all of us are anti-death, especially when it comes to our own. You are indeed anti-drug. This is not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself were you not to exaggerate, over-generalize, and perpetually propagate misinformation. Like I said, let's take a closer look at your 42,000 number, its interpretation, and the validity of its source.
> > >
> > >
> > > - Scott
> >
> > Friends,
> > There is a question here about the figure of 42,000 people that died last year as a result of psyychotropic drugs. And using that figure of 42,000 each year, going forward there could be a great multitude of people that are killed by psychotropic drugs including those that have died in the past from these drugs.
> > I have come here to reveal to you what has been revealed to me. It has been revealed to me that there is a strong delusion that Mr. Hsiung has posted to me a prohibition that prohibit me from posting that here. It could involve the foundation of Judaism as revealed to me which, Mr. Hsiung has posted to me a prohibition to not post here. IMHHHO, if I was not prohibited by Mr Hsiung to post that, there could be the potential for lives to be saved, people could escape a life-ruining conditions, people could overcome addiction and depression, and some of those that have been killed by psychotropic drugs could still be alive.
> > You see, psychotropic drugs can induce a mind-altered state in the one taking the drug to be compeled to kill themselves and/or others. These numbers of deaths are cataloged by the FDA and the CDC and other agencies. I have never seen the FDA or the other agencies deny the statistics concerning the number of deaths per year due to psychotropic drugs. You can go the their web site at FDA .gov.
> > Now in the revelation that I have received, I was taken to a place where there was a great multitude of people that died from these drugs, all crying out, why did you (redacted by respondent) and I saw the small and the great and they were cast (redacted by respondent). My friends, I have been writing here about death. But there is more than one type of death that has been revealed to me. There is a living death that one can be ressurected out from now, to a new life, and one could sing a new song.
> > Here is a video that I would like for those that are wanting to be in discussion here to view. If you could, then I think that the information in the link could help in this discussion to understand what could be unbeknownst to you.
> > Lou
> > To see this:
> > A. Pull up Google
> > B. Type in:
> > [youtube, Reversing depression without antidepressants-Articles-Mercola]
> > usually first
> >
> Friends,
> There has been great research on the mechanism that the psychotropic drugs uses to kill. The drugs induce a mind-altered state to compel the taker of the drug to want to kill themselves and/or others, even commit mass-murder.
> Thiis mechanism has been used as evidence in courts of law and has been accepted in verdicts amd now the FDA has a black-box warning that these drugs with that warning can increase suicidal thinking. I think from my perspective that the increase in suicidal thinking from these drugs is greater in children and I intend to later explain that unless the rule of 3 applies.
> Here is a video where a doctor explains how the drugs cause one to be compeled to want to kill themselves and/or others.
> To see this video:
> A. Pull up Google
> B. Type in:
> [youtube, Can Antidepressants cause Violence?, Dr Moira Dolan]
> Posted on May 8 2007... time is 10 min
> Here is another video
> To see what the chidren have had done to them, then you could think in your minds as to if or if not their blood will be upon whom.
> To see this video:
> A. Pull up Google
> B. Type in:
> [20/20 from ABC News: Foster kids prescribed psychotropic drugs]Friends,
I have come here to reveal to you what death is as revealed to me. You see, there are different types of death as revealed to me, the physical, the spiritual and what is known as Eternal Death
We are in discussion here about the 42,000 number used that is generally accepted as the average number of people that are killed each year by one way or another from psychotropic drugs. Be advised, that there are those that think that the real number of deaths is 100 times that, for not all deaths are reported as deaths from psychotropic drugs, even if the drugs caused the death. I tend to lean to the 100 times figure now. That would mmean then that 4,200,000 die each year from psychotropic drugs using that perception.
Be it as it may be, I am concerned here about all 3 types of death. There are prohibitions to me from Mr. Hsiung comncerning that he prohibits me from posting what the bible says about those that use mind-altering drugs, or those that make them or give them to others. This prohibition is in discussion with me and Mr. Hsiung to another member that posted that the bible says that (redacted by respondent) which could mean that the Jewish children that (redacted by respondent) Jesus, are without forgivness and Eternal Life, as the poster claims the bible states, (does it?)(there is another prohibition to me here from Mr Hsiung that prevents me from posting my response to that). You can see that on the administrative board here and I am awaiting Mr. Hsiung's response to my request there that could or could not mean that there are two standards here or not. If he posts an answer to me there, I will have the opportunity to respond to whatever he posts to me there. If he does not post a response to my request, then others could think that what is in question there is {supportive}, because Mr. Hsiung states that support takes precedence and he does what in his thinking will be good for this community as a whole.(be advised that there is a historical parallel to that statement and Mr. Hsiung has a prohibition to me in relation to that so that I can not post what I would want to about that here.) And if you go to the admin board heyourself re and see that discussion, can you examine the discussion and determine if the discussion could lead people to think if the Jewish children and those Jews that do not accept the claim in question, and all of the other people that reject the claim in question, as to if or if not those people are being disrepected on this site?
Now here is a site that I am requesting for those interested to see. It could have answers to the 42000 and a lot more that I think could save lives or prevent one from getting a life-ruining condition or addiction from psychotropic drugs.
To see this:
A. Pull up Google
B. Type in:
[Psychiatric drugs and death-MRIPortal]
usually first
poster:Lou Pilder