Posted by Lou Pilder on January 22, 2012, at 12:14:54
In reply to Lou's response-huzproppah?, posted by Lou Pilder on January 22, 2012, at 10:30:34
> > > Lou, you seem not to be able to determine what is credible evidence. Let me begin by looking at a website you earlier asked people to Google, using the phrase: "Dangers and health problems from the drug fluoride".
> > >
> > > First off, the page that loads is just some person's website. There is no evidence that the person posting there has any special expertise. So, your own reference to it is hearsay. This person posts a letter supposedly sourced from another website, but the link is dead. So that makes it hearsay about hearsay. The supposed letter copied there (wow, it's in quotation marks, it must be real) is alleged from some guy that nobody has ever heard of, but he must be credible because he's a chemist? We're now at three levels of hearsay. You following me, Lou?
> > >
> > > But this person, supposedly writing in 1954, relies on something he was told by some other guy. So that's now four levels of hearsay. And this German guy's source is supposedly a secret Nazi program or conspiracy. Five levels of hearsay, now, Lou. Where is your critical thinking?
> > >
> > > One thing that amazed the world is that the Nazis documented everything. Everything, in incredible detail. This fluoride conspiracy has been kicking around for 57 years (since that alleged letter was written), and there has been no corroboration of any kind?
> > >
> > > Lou, all that I have learned from this link is that you are a very credulous thinker.
> > >
> > > Now, to today's post. You said:
> > > > There were about 42,000 deaths from taking psychotropic drugs in one way or another last year.
> > >
> > > Where did you get such a figure, Lou? If you cannot demonstrate solid evidence for such a figure, I'm going to ask that you be banned from the site.
> > >
> > > > Here is a post that has a link in it thatcatalogs the suicides and murders and other related crimes and issues related to people that were taking psychotropic drugs while the crime was commited.
> > > > Lou
> > > >
> > >
> > > Lou, this site is the worst form of anecdotal garbage I have ever come across.
> > >
> > > Finding simple associations between antidepressant use and tragedy is not evidence of causation. People and their lives are far too complex to be reduced to such a simple interpretation.
> > >
> > > Lou, I can only conclude that your interests are malevolent, to spread fear.
> > >
> > > Psychotropic meds are powerful agents, but they are designed to assist in the treatment of serious disorders. Proper medical management of all psych patients would minimize adverse events, as would ensuring adequate social supports for all patients. A pipe dream, maybe, but blaming the drugs alone ignores a host of other variables that you never ever attempt to address.
> > >
> > > Please stop this posting of your propaganda.
> > >
> > > Lar
> >
> > Friends,
> > If you are considering being a discussant in this thread, or if you doubt that psychiatric drugs can kill you, I am requesting that you view the following video.
> > Lou
> > To view this video:
> > A. Pull uup Google
> > B. Type in:
> > [youtube, Every month psychiatric drugs kill more than 911].
> > The first two are usually the same and there are professionals in their field such as doctors, psychiatrists, researchers and the like that if you do not want to believe them, then could you believe what someone says that (redacted by respondent)?
> iends,
> If you are considering making a decision as to if the commercials that you see by the drug companies are or or not propaganda by them to induce you to believe that you have a disease and that their drug is what you need, I am requesting that you view the following video. If you could, then when you see advertiements by the drug companies you could IMHHHHO be better able to make a more informed decision as to if the commercial is propaganda used to induce you to think that you have a disease and that their drug will be needed to be taken by you. And after you view this video, (redacted by respondent)
> Lou
> To see this video:
> A. Pull up Google
> B. Type in:
> [youtube, In Memoriam (Victims of Anti depressants/Psychiatric drugs)
> Posted on Dec 11, 2007... time is 5 minFriends,
Many of you already know that my purpose here is to save lives, or to prevent one from having a life-ruining condition as a result of taking psychotropic drugs and to have knowledge of what has been revealed to me that could save your life and give you a way to overcome depression and addiction. And also to stop the administration here from allowing statements that could arouse antisemitic feelings to be considerd civil and supportive here by the nature that there are years of requests from me to the administration that are outstanding that can be seen on the administrative board here.
Posters are allowed to (redacted by respondent) me of my motives here to be (redacted by respondent) and to spread (redacted by respondent). Is attempting to save lives (redacted by respondent)? Is posting what doctors and researchers have shown spreading fear? What you see in these videos has been proven to be fact, my friends. Facts that IMHO could mark the difference between you being alive or dead. These facts have been accepted in courts of law in cases against the drug manufacturers that market mind-altering drugs that could kill you or cause you to have a mind-alterd state to make you want to kill yourself or commit mass-murder. In the transcripts of war-criminals, there are addmissions that substantiate some of the things that I have posted about. You can see the cross examinations for yourselves on youtube. And when a community has an administration that has the potential to purport to its members that statements that could arouse antisemitic feelings are supportive and that by allowing those type of statements to be considered as such, that the administrion is doing what they think will be good for the community as a whole, then by me wanting to stop that, does that mean that my motives are (redacted by respondent) or that I am spreading fear? I want to stop Jews from becoming the targets of antisemitic violence, or for Jewish children to not be bullied in schools, or for Jewish members here to be free from the defamation heaped upon them. The owner here, Mr Hsiung, and his deputy now, and his past deputies, all have had great opportunity to respond to my requests, unless they want to claim that they just don't see them, or claim some other reason for not responding to my requests, of which if they do, I then could have the opportunity to respond accordingly.
I do not think that I will ever get that opportunity, not as long as those statements here that give rise to the antisemitic thinking that Jews can not have eternal life or forgivness because they do not accept the claim of most Christiandom groups to accept Jesus as (redacted by respondent) to have forgiveness and eternal life. And this together with the statement that is allowed to be considerd supportive that the Jews are the {them} in the statement that caused a (redacted by respondent) death to Jesus, then there is the potential of an indoctrination here that could cause IMHHHO deaths and other crimes against a Jewish person, myself included.
This type of administrion is in the historical record. This community (redcted by respondent) and allow this Jew to be verbally defamed, and allow Jewery to be defamed, but I say to you all, that I can overcome all the hatred thrown at me here and all the ridicule and accusations, and all the special rules to me here that others are allowed to be exempt from, and all the debasement that Mr. Hsiujng and his deputy allow toward me here, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever, regardless that Mr. Hsiung and his deputy allow statemets that say (redacted by respondent) about Jews
Now here is a research report concerning suicide and the relation to psychiatric drugs. This research is used in courts of law to offer juries facts to conclude as to if the drug caused the suicide or not. I am requesting that you read it because of the nature of the statements made to me here that are allowed to stand. I think that if you read this research, that you could get a better undertsnding of the nature of my requests to the administration that are outstanding when their own TOS states that support takes precedence and that they do not wait to sanction a post because one match could start a forest fire. Now if the match is not put out by administative sanction, then IMHHO hate could be promulgated here, hatred toward Jews, hatred toward Islamic people, hatred toward any human being that is not a member of the type of Christiandom that is allowed to be posted here that have the statments in question as can be seen on the administrative board here. I say it is aa crime against humanity.
You say that Mr. Hsiung and his deputy allow you to post that my motives are (redacted by respondent)? He and his deputy my do that, but that only shows that the members here (redacted by respondent).
To see this research report.
A. Pull up Google
B. Type in:
[psychiatric drugs, suicide, Larson]
it is a PDF
poster:Lou Pilder