Posted by bleauberry on January 15, 2012, at 12:34:48
In reply to I need a piece of advise pls, posted by Tepi on January 14, 2012, at 22:23:29
Well I'm so sorry you have been suffering so long. I think most of us know what that feels like. You have incredible strength and endurance, not by choice, but it is a great quality and credit to you.
Ok, this is just my common sense talking. With a history of med failures like yours, why would one want to stay on that journey? I mean, isn't there enough evidence already that whatever modern medical psychiatry has to offer is missing the target? We don't know what the target is, but it has already been proved with you that it is not something that the psych drugs target. It's something else.
Look, one long time psych patient here was pretty much cured when he found out he had sleep apnea and was treated for it. What ends up being an antidepressant with most lyme, candida, or other stealth infection victims, is getting control of the pathogens. Psych drugs usually fail with these people. And, their symptoms are usually so bizarre it is hard to diagnose. As a result, the patient has 3 or more diagnosis instead of just 1, and none of them are really clearcut or provable. They are just names for a cluster of symptoms, The way I see it, bipolar is just a name given to a certain cluster of is not a disease....there is a different disease causing the bipolar symptoms.
So what are the other targets? Well, could write a book on that. All I'm saying is serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine....etc....these things are only a slice of a bigger pie and why we focus only on those I have no clue. Major causes of depression can have nothing to do with those, but instead be related to chronic stealth inflammation, chronic stealth infection, chronic heavy metal/pollutant/toxin accumula, and such. I mean, ya know, these things impact your brain directly and make it feel like crap!
So save the book for another day. Want something right now that covers a whole lot of those mysterious targets? Source Naturals Resveratrol in the yellow bottle (not pink) made from Polygonum, 40mg size. Also get rhodiola rosea by Jarrow, GNC, Thorne. Some of the others might be good, but these three I know are. Some brands aren't very good. I like Thorne the best because of the dose size. The others make doses that are just way to high and I have to empty the capsules to make my own custom doses.
Those 2 phytomedicines have the potential to open up a new world to you. Starting dose for rhodiola should be anywhere between 25mg and 100mg twice a day, depending on immediate tolerability, with a target of 200mg to 400mg or whatever ends up feeling best. Source Naturals dose is one 40mg cap or tab 3 times a day to start, up to 4 caps/tabs 4 times per day. Estimated time for rhodiola to begin feeling helpful is about 2 weeks, though for some people it is immediate and for others maybe 3 weeks. Source Naturals is something you want to be taking for many months and it is not directly an antidepressant so don't be looking for that. Instead just know that over the months it is going to be killing a lot of pathogens including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and even lyme, reversing various kinds of inflammation, removing or nullifying certain toxins, powerful antioxidant, balancing immune system, I mean, on and on with this herb. Rhodiola is more directly an antidepressant , anti-anxiety, anti-crazy, mood stabilizer, energy booster, stress adapter, adrenal balancer, immune booster.
I would not plan on these to bring about remission but I would be reasonably confident of a notable increase in quality of life. That said, rhodiola has brought about remission with long time psych patients before. It does have that potential, more so than meds in my opinion.