Posted by g_g_g_unit on September 18, 2011, at 8:20:04
sorry to keep posting for advice, but i'm going through an extended rough patch at the moment ..
i'm taking 15mg of lexapro as well as 500mg of depakote. i'm less anxious on the combination but lose all sense of agency; i could lie in bed and stare at the ceiling for seven hours without really caring. as soon as i add in a stimulant (dexedrine) to concentrate and motivate myself, my OCD sky-rockets. for some reason, i also seem excessively sensitive and always end up with 'tunnel vision' .. it's difficult to reap any real positive effects from dex for my ADD.
i tried raising the depakote to 750mg, but became unbearably fatigued.
i've also been experiencing phobic depersonalization/derealization on top of everything else. i find that when dexedrine improves my anhedonia during the first few days of treatment, the sense of unreality (but not the accompanying anxiety) also dissipates, which makes it hard to accept that it's psychological.
i donno what i'm trying to ask here .. i suppose i wish there was some way to solve the anxiety and the anhedonia at the same time. i've been thinking about Nardil .. i tried it a couple of years ago and while it was highly motivating etc., it actually caused a lot of anxiety (i was on various doses for about 12 weeks total), but i'm not sure if i gave it enough time ..
i also keep wondering if my depression might actually fall on the BP spectrum. my pdoc said no, based on what i told him, but unless i'm questioned, i never know what stuff i'm meant to report .. i mean, depressions can seem somewhat homogenous on the surface (low-energy, anhedonia, etc.). all i know is that any 'manic-like' reactions i've had have always been provoked by drugs/substances, so i'm not sure if that's a reliable indicator?