Posted by Tony P on September 8, 2011, at 22:09:45
In reply to Re: Valium users, I need input, posted by ed_uk2010 on September 4, 2011, at 14:02:25
Agreed - Valium works well if you don't already have a high tolerance to benzos & the "Zs", but not good for every night long-term. I'm on a s-l-o-w taper to get off it, and I find I get interdose withdrawal anxiety (especially if I take >= 10 mg) after about 4-6 hr., despite the long half-life.
Trimipramine (Surmontil) (25-100 mg) in my experience gives the most natural sleep, but unfortunately it's also very long-lasting -- I need a quadruple espresso the next morning ;-)
If muscle tension is a problem, have you tried Robaxin? In moderate doses it is only mildly sedating, not a sleeping pill by itself, but the best OTC muscle-relaxant I know. Might be really helpful in combination with one of the other sedatives. BTW, avoid the packaged combinations with analgesics (Robaxacet, Robax Platinum etc.) which are usually on the open shelves, unless you're having actual pain. What you want is pure Robaxin, which comes in 500 mg & 750 mg strengths. In BC/Canada the pure Robaxin is OTC, i.e. non-Rx but you have to ask the pharmacist for it. I prefer the 750's; 2 should make you as relaxed as a kitten! Caution: can develop tolerance & addiction, but in my exp. only if you exceed the recommended daily maximum.
A non-pharm idea from my Dr.: wear amber sunglasses at night! (remember Cory Hart, anyone?), especially if you're on the computer, watching TV or in bright/fluorescent light. Blue light blocks the production of melatonin, one of the body's main sleep triggers.
Tony P
> > I am thinking of requesting Valium for sleep. To help me sleep longer and the muscle relaxing qualities will help with my back.
> Well, Valium 'kicks in' pretty quickly and does relax muscles, but it often doesn't last long after a single dose, often just a few hours. It only becomes long lasting after repeated doses, which will create daytime anxiolysis and sedation.
poster:Tony P