Posted by Chris O on September 7, 2011, at 13:21:02
In reply to Re: Viibryd end of week 6, posted by Jenbr on September 6, 2011, at 16:05:10
Hey, there. Yeah, I've run the gamut, sort of. I was going to start (hesitantly) Nardil before doing this Viibryd trial. Not too crazy about taking an MAOI. Also never tried tricyclics, or antipsychotics. I'm a very health-oriented person (the only thing I felt I've been able to control about my life), so I am resistant to starting medications that have side-effects like death, diabetes, obesity, and, well, you know what I'm talking about. I forgot that I had done a year of acupuncture, too. It's nice, but very weak in how it effects my GAD. Like SAM-e, or something like that. Yeah, I've looked into TMS. And I do have decent insurance, though my wife, but TMS is not covered. I cannot shell out $10,000 right now to do that treatment. And I also do not understand how TMS could have any long term effect. I could understand if it worked, and you could keep the machine in your house for constant treatment. But how can three months of treatment last forever? (According to the psychiatrist I talked to who has a TMS machine in his office, he has a "90% success rate." Yeah, right.) What did you notice from the TMS? Any "lifting of the veil" (at least that's how I conceive of my GAD, as a pressurized wall that pushes down around me and closes me off, slows me down.) On a related note, the Viibryd seems to be increasing this veiled effect on me, even as it reduces some of my physical tension. Absolutely no real side effects from the drug though, even at 80mg. Maybe I'll ask you about ECT in the future. What did it do for you? How often did you go? Any extreme side effects? Hey, and I saw in you other post that you just had a baby, so congratulations! I know that has got to be a challenge, managing a baby and your symptoms. My heart goes out to you. Much empathy. Thanks for interacting with me, Jen.
poster:Chris O