Posted by floatingbridge on June 28, 2011, at 20:03:19
I think and feel like I have passed through any emergency windows in my situation. My life is small, but today was much better, and I think that will continue. I dressed and drove a short distance. I think the steady worsening of things was the 'invisible', unnoted withdrawal of emsam. That might sound very elementary to anyone here, but there has been alot going on.
A lot of folks here have given me help over the past few months. Thank you (!). If I can ever return that kindness, please
ask.For now, I do not plan on any medicine
changes until at least a week. That's
when I go to the anxiety disorders clinic at Stanford. If anyone would find an update or babblemail about that place helpful, please do not hesitate to ask.
fb* and whoever gazes at the stars will never again be quite alone...
c-ptsd & attendant health concerns