Posted by LostBoyinNC42 on January 17, 2011, at 0:41:11
I am not responsible. I am the victim. I have been molested/harassed/beaten up by my ex. I have been fired from my job. I have been laid off from my job. I am a victim of my environment and I cannot change my environment. I go to therapy weekly and have become codependent on my therapist, I have secret sexual feelings towards my therapist and have even thought about asking them out. Without my therapist, I would kill myself.
I am not responsible for how my life turns out. I reject personal responsibility, hard work, conservative values, I reject the fact that "life aint perfect." I reject the free market and believe we would all be better under some sort of socialism where we are all one big happy family. I reject individualism, free thinking and creativity for safety and financial security. I love obama.
I reject the concept of survival of the fittest. I do not believe that the stupid, the lazy, the not make it in this world and die off. And their genes go with them. I reject all personal responsibility, for I am mentally ill and therefore, only a pill can fix me. Even though I have tried these same pills now for ten or more years and they do not work for me, I still believe in them. I refuse to believe that perhaps my problem may be something else, perhaps another medical issue, one that which I may be ashamed of or perhaps one which I am unwilling to accept the side effect profile of the treatment.
Hence, I will live off my family or live off of the government and the taxpayer. I will live off of money that people pay with their taxes, via hard work. I will sit on my butt all day long posting on psychobabble, feeling sorry for myself, reading self help books...while I collect money from the government for my disability. And put the hardworking American taxpayer thru the hole more and more. I promise to steal the American taxpayer's money as much as possible thru programs I am "entitled" to have...we live in a "civilized" society wherein I am entitled to free healthcare, free food, free housing, free everything. Remember, I voted for obama. I voted for him because he promised he would steal from people who actually work and give to people who sit on their butts.
Yes, I am not responsible. I am more than willing to give up my personal individual freedoms and rights for financial security and stability. I refuse to find out what is really truly wrong with me, get it treated properly and work my way out of the hole I am in. Because I am mentally ill and because I had a horrible, horrible childhood I am still upset and angry about even at age 40.
I realize that nature weeds out the weak, the sick, the stupid, yet psychiatry prevents this from occurring. I am OK with this.
Eric AKA LostBoyinNC