Posted by maxime on October 21, 2010, at 8:33:43
Friends,Romans, and Country men
My purpose here is to make you understand that we are not the only animals on the planet who get depressed. What I am writing here will save the lives of many frogs and humans if we just listen to what they are saying. We must become UNITED!Together we can beat this thing called depression and maybe without the use of harmful drugs. Drugs that dope you up; make you unable to pee, unable to procriate,give you dry mouth, tremors, headaches, rashes,nausea,mental dulling, thoughts of suicide,edema, weight gain or weight loss, insomnia or make you sleep too much, cognitive dulling, RLS, diabetes, and psychosis just to name a few.
We must consume the diet of frogs if we are to see any improvement in our lives
I request that you view the following on YouTube
Bipolar Type 2, ED-NOS, Self-hatred
Being happy doesn´t mean the pain is gone. you just bury it deeper.