Posted by huxley on October 20, 2010, at 20:53:33
I am in the process of tirating down on my lactimal.
I am having a perculiar experience with it.
Each time I drop down a dose It seems to be working better and the effects are lasting. When I was tirating up I got a great mood bost at each tiration but it faded. Now that I am going down it seems to be sticking.Also I get rashy. On the inside of my arms and thighs. Bright red welts in blotches which have faint blister like things in the middle of them.
The rash pops up and intensifies in different areas and goes away usually withing 5-15 minutes although it is always present if you look closly at the areas.
Could this develop into SJ syndrome? Could it be just a harmless rash or are all rashes on lactimal pretty serious?
I went to see my dr about it and she scoffed at me and told me not to believe everything I read on the internet.