Posted by leslieg on September 4, 2010, at 13:13:08
I have narcolepsy and adrenal exhaustion and have to take stimulants on a daily basis. (Currently, Vyvanse in the am followed by Dextroamphatamine in the afternoon). I cannot wake up, much less function, without them. I've got a lot of muscle tension and about once a week I need to take valium in the evening to try to address that. I also take either valium or ambien for sleeping. I am *not* happy with this dependence! Today, as sometimes happens, my muscle tension is sky-high and I've stretched for hours and had my husband work on my back and neck and still my arms are numb. I have, basically, 2 choices. 1) Take valium and give up on the day, being a parent, fixing dinner (we are gluten-free so no fast food or take-out is available), and hope that tomorrow is better. or 2) Take valium and also caffiene and dexi and see if I can salvage any part of the day.
(I also have bipolar II so am also on Tegretol).