Posted by Hombre on July 27, 2010, at 21:25:51
In reply to Nardil is killing me - must find alternative! Help, posted by Enigma on July 24, 2010, at 13:01:13
I should read more clearly before posting. I stand by what I wrote, but you already provided the answers to some of my questions:
I'm going to paraphrase from James Green's "The Male Herbal" because he dose such an elegant job describing constitutional typing without getting into obscure "oriental" ideas:
You have a Warrior type/mesomorph constitution. You used to lift a lot and had a good physique. I'm assuming you also have a personality to match. You have lots of fire and brave spirit. You strive for action and crushing obstables. Unchecked, you can tend to run hot, like a fire out of control. You are strong and disciplined.
You may have a strongly anabolic physiology, your body tends to store and retain things it doesn't need, such as uric acid and excess sodium and cholesterol. When you are irritated, your tissues tend to become inflamed easily. That's your body reacting with an aggressive response, true to your nature. Sometimes too much, however.
Your most serious chronic problem involves the circulatory system. Retaining sodium and cholesterol could, over time, lead to heart disease and high blood pressure.
Your digestion tends to be robust, maybe even excessive in terms of secretion of digestive juices. Alcohol, spices and coffee may tend to aggravate your stomach. You may be able to handle greasy foods better than most.
"To help tame the Warrior's digestive fire and promote harmony and longevity, treatment is aimed at soothing, cooling, and protecting the membranes of the GI tract [soothing and cooling are to enhance Yin to balance overacting Yang].
Herbs include demulcents such as Marshmallow root or Slippery Elm bark, which act to soothe and protect tissues; astringents like Geranium, Blackberry root, and Agrimony, which cool and reduce irritation and inflammation of the GI tract's lining; Chamomile and Yarrow, which are useful for their anti-inflammatory actions; Skullcap or Chamomile, which, as cooling anesthetics, reduce sensitivity to pain, along with the antacid action of Marshmallow and Meadowsweet to relieve painful discomfort.
If a warrior's digestive fire gets too high, spices in general should be avoided, and cooling digestive bitters that can lower the fire and help detoxify the system should be taken; Gentian, Aloe, and Barberry are recommended for this action. Once the digestive fire is normalized, mild harmonizing spices such as Coriander, Turmeric, Cardamom, and Fennel can be taken to maintain balance."
"With respect to the prostate, inflammatory problems often complicate the Warrior-dominant condition. There is a tendency towards infection and irritation of the prostate, with a burning sensation during urination. Stimulating, warming, and anabolic herbs such as American or Chinese Ginseng are this situation, for we have an individual who already has asn innate tendency to be warm and stimulated and whose anabolic hormones already tend to be excessive...[herbs appropriate for the Warrior:]
o Saw Palmetto and nettle root as general prostate tonics
o Echinacea and Cleavers as anti-inflammatories and protectants against infection
o Marshmallow and Couchgrass as soothing demulcents for tissue irritation"
"Overall, the warrior-dominant body needs cleansing to help balance its inherent accumulation of metabolic wastes. The Warrior wants to hold on but is served much better by letting go. To facilitate this action, toning the organs of elimination and circulation, along with a gentle herbal cleansing program, is efficient and helpful. For kidney maintenance, use herbs such as Burdock root, Cleavers, and Stinging Nettle; clean and nourish the liver with Dandelion root, Globe Artichoke leaf, Barberry, and Yellow Dock. Buffer excessive acidity and adjust blood viscosity with Alfalfa, Gingko, and Feverfew...and protect the CV system from damage by regular use of Hawthorne flower and berry."
"Diet can play a big role in balancing the warrior's anabolic nature. This is best done by minimizing fat and protein intake. warrior-dominant individuals do well with a moderate amount of meat in their diet. Nonetheless, the diet should emphasize fruits and vegetables. Raw foods are suitable, for the Warrior's digestive fire is normally high. Grains and beans are a good choice for providing substance, and, in small quantities, low-fat dairy products are a reasonable choice. In general, when choosing food and herbs for a Warrior-dominant person, think cooling and cleansing, but don't overdo it."
The difficult thing is that the meds mess with your metabolism, but taking your constitution into account while dealing with the med's side-effects may make it a bit easier to work with your body and get it to balance out and return to its normal state.
Hope that helps.