Posted by merry-dove on September 26, 2009, at 9:30:32
In reply to Re: Running out of options, posted by annabamma on September 25, 2009, at 14:31:24
> > >
> > > I've been reading a lot about atypical >depression and I think I can narrow it down >pretty close. Of course I will let a Dr. or >therapist make that decision. I've always dealt >with depression, just never knew what kind.
> >
> > Monica, I have struggled with atypical depression since I was a teenager. I also developed an extreme anxiety disorder and social phobia in my twenties. I'm 53 now and still fighting it. Many times I have thought about giving up but I couldn't do that to my husband, mom, sister and grown son.
> >
> > All antidepressants eventually "poop out" in my experience. So you try another and if it doesn't work at all you try another. Or if it works a little you work on the dosage or the time of day you take it. Or you augment with something. You just keep trying because your family needs you.
> >
> > Two months ago I switched from Cymbalta - an SNRI (pooped out after 2 1/2 years) to Pristiq, also an SNRI. Before switching I had been at an ALL TIME LOW with NO energy and NO desire to to ANYTHING. I was crying all the time, had EXTREME fatigue, rarely left the house except to go to work part-time and I didn't know how I was going to keep working. I started Pristiq and it helped "some". Not nearly enough. I was still in a very bad place. I saw a commercial on TV for Abilify. My Dr. gave me some 2mg samples and I started taking it 1 1/2 weeks ago. All I can say is that it has been a MIRACLE DRUG for me! I have energy, the desire to go places, talk to people, basically LIVE rather than exist!
> >
> > I was at the point you were at, thinking about trying an MAOI. But I was afraid to go through the wash-out period between stopping the SNRI. Also, I was afraid of the side effect of weight gain. (I lost 30 lbs this past year on Nutrisystem.)
> >
> > I spent HOUR upon HOUR researching drugs, reviewing the side effects, reading other people's experiences on various web sites. Then I was just too tired to do it any more. I saw the commercial for Abilify and decided to try it even though I didn't have much hope it would work.
> >
> > I am VERY happy right now- I hope it continues to help me!
> >
> > Maybe this could be the medicine you need to augment your antidepressant.
> >
> > BTW, I was on Paxil for a couple of years and it made me a zombie. I didn't care about anything and slept all the time. Have you tried Prozac, Zoloft or Cymbalta? These all helped me - Prozac was the very first antidepressant I took in my twenties and it changed my life at that time. Zoloft lasted a fairly long time. I did have to augment the Zoloft with Wellbutrin, however. Also, I have almost always taken Ritalin along with the antidepressants for fatigue. After many years though, the Ritalin started to only give me an hour of feeling "ok". Then the crash. I stopped the Ritalin and started 72mg of Concerta 3 months ago but the extreme fatigue persisted. I also started taking klonopin for anxiety and social phobia about 3 years ago. I was taking Cymbalta then. At the time it helped TREMENDOUSLY. But the effects are not the same any more. It still helps some.
> >
> > If it helps, this is what I take right now:
> >
> > Pristiq - 100mg 1 x day - AM
> > Concerta - 72mg 1 X day - AM
> > Klonopin - .25 mg. 3 x day and .5mg at bedtime
> > Vicodin - 1/2 pill 3-4 X day (5mg/500mg tabs)
> > Abilify (the miracle drug) 2mg 1 x day - AM
> >
> > Don't give up searching. Everyone on this board knows the only person who can really help you is yourself. The doctors certainly don't care enough in my experience.
> >
> > Good luck and God Bless!
> >
> > Terry
> >
> > P.S. I believe with all my heart that God led me to this medicine. He's always helped me in the past when I've reached a bottom point.
> Do you think just Abilify would help? I have the EXACT same problem with NO energy or motivation to do ANYTHING, but I can't take any thing too activating or my heart gets too nervous and my wimpy CNS gets all upset..AnnaBama.
Abilfy IS activating. BUT...I do not feel nervous or anxious at all. My heart doesn't beat fast or anything like that. I do have a lot of thoughts running through my mind but I'm not manic. To me it's a wonderful thing. There's so many things I want to do now. I have to make a list to keep up with everything I'm thinking of that I want to do, like organizing closets, making lunch dates with friends, selling stuff on Ebay, and just everything I had wished I had the energy and motivation to do for the last 2 years!LOW-DOSE Abilify is the key. 2mg seems to be the exact amount for me. Much more, from what I've read, can have the opposite effect and cause fatigue. I've heard some people are taking 2.5 mg. but the Dr. gave me samples that were 2mg. Maybe your Dr. will give you some samples.
I really hope it helps you. I KNOW how you feel.
Good luck and God bless.