Posted by Amelia_in_StPaul on June 16, 2009, at 15:20:02
In reply to psyhco theroptist said p doc ,s know F all, posted by manic666 on June 16, 2009, at 12:24:25
well, of course, manic, if anyone knew the exact cause you'd be cured by now. we all would be. but that's why new meds and therapies are developed all the time. that's why journals exist and people author articles that are reviewed and then published. what was she saying that was a revelation to you?
> straight up , thats what she told me, i said how come every time i ask a question he answer,s with another,she said because he dont no the answer , no one does ,so they bambozzel you with crap answer,s i.e is my illness chemical.doc may be,is it from my childhood ,doc, we dont know,can you fix me . doc. how long is a piece of string?.how much do you get payed , doc, get f***ed,anyway she is a loverly good looking lady ,she was the cbt theropist that went awol 6 weeks,i said what happened to you for 6 weeks , she looked kinda sad ,an said it was pesonal,we all have troubles. it seems,she said manic you amaze me you have overcome magor trama,s that most of my patients dare not leave the house for less, i said yes an most caused by this hospital.she gave a little sigh an a vacant look,she said are you okay on your meds, i said how long is a piece of string??????????he,he.she said you are a diffcult one to help you have overcome ocd yourself, panick attacks, a hole host of things by yourself, i said yes because i had no help,okay so i got things wrong like a bottle of brandy ,10 los . but im not an alki i needed something to medicate me ,thats all i help from the N.H.S.she said i like you you are fired up a good sign when in a battle.she said i want you back im looking deeper into your case ,i havent i clue if i can help, but im going for it,better than the p doc,but that hospital gives me the creeps, an as i was leavein the big black doc that stopped the loz strolled by,an triggered me , battle stations