Posted by yxibow on May 18, 2009, at 15:25:32
In reply to Re: My Anxiety is a result of Chronic Lyme disease, posted by KimStereo on May 17, 2009, at 11:01:30
> Believe it or not, I am getting relief from a Rife Machine. It works on the theory of "Resonance". This is the same as an Opera singer breaking a glass with his high pitched tone. I use frequencies in line with the Lyme bacteria, Bartonella and Babesia, which are the two most common co-infections with Lyme disease.
> I am also on the Salt / C protocol, which creates an alkaline state in the body and kills off the bacteria and then eliminates it through Osmosis. The C is Vit. C to boost the immune system.
> I honeslty believe that Lyme disease is responsible for CFS, FMS, and many other disorders including the Psychiatric ones.
> This is how a Rife Machine works. Great video of bacteria being destroyed under a microscope:
> Kim
Well if you want to believe in it that's fine but it is way in the "alternative" side of things and has been banned by the FDA as a result of an investigation into its promoter.I can't say the word q***k here because I'll get my head bitten off but if there ever was a situation...
-- Jay