Posted by garnet71 on April 23, 2009, at 19:31:36
The way this worked out was great, though I will miss my PDoc and PDocRN...
In the waiting room there was a woman with a Wyeth bag-so I started talking to her and asked what drug she was pushing...she said Pristiq, so I was asking her questions about it while waiting for my doc. On PDocs way out to get me, I heard him talking to her in the hallway and he said to quit bringing the Pristiq cause he had a stockpile of it.
So I hadn't talked to PDoc in 2 months, told him about the Ritalin, Wellbutrin, then the last one-Adderall. I told him about the bronchial spasms that led me to a physician to get Albuteral and almost landed in the ER, and that I had quit taking Adderall and asked him for Dextroamphetimine. He said "that's even worse" and instead suggested (I don't know if this was a coincidence or not).
I said isn't Pristiq the same as Effexor? He smiled and shook his head. I asked him - please tell me what is going on with me-why I don't have any motivation, concentration on important things etc., but am not depressed. I asked him if long-term use of SSRIs could have caused this...He said there was no way of knowing and that everything would always be trial and error...So I told him why I thought Dextroamphetamine might work out better and he didn't know anything about that, but agreed to let me try it. I said if I get adverse affects, I can just quit taking it. And I mentioned I was thinking about Provigil...and how I still liked the buspirone but was worried it wouldn't hold it for anxiety w/more stressors...And he was looking through all the pages of my med history.
He then said to me he'd prescribe the Dextroamphetimine, Buspar, and the Xanax but this is the last time he could see me. He said I was managing my own pharmacology, and said I'm going to send you to a buddy of mine-a psychopharmacologist who is up on the latest research and off-label/experimental treatments, etc. He told me his malpractice insurance isn't sufficient for these types of treatments. I was so thankful he was honest with me because the malpractice insurance thing explaines a lot. It might even explains why the last PDoc (empty office/waiting room PDoc) wouldn't give me anything but xxRIs.....So I asked him about the malpractice insurance and stuff.
Anyway, I hope I like his buddy. (Hope he is not too expensive but PDoc said he charges the same as him-will see). He's also an Indian guy like my PDoc. I prefer Indian doctors because they are always congenial and personable; maybe it has something to do with the culture? So I was happy about that. I never had one single caucasian PDoc (and all I witnessed who treated my sis) who I liked. Never. Not being racist here..I'm caucasian; like I said, maybe it's their culture -I love the Indian culture - or the way they are trained in medschool in India before they come here for their specialties. I don't know why that's important to me. I just have to have a PDoc who has a I've met some very mean ones.
That was kinda odd I just posted about psychopharmacologists, and that I had just posted about considering Effexor again. Well Effexor was next on my list if anxiety comes back, maybe Pristiq if I can get free I'll have to wait and see what new PDoc/Psychopharmacologist thinks a month from now.
Sorry that was long, but you guys are the only ones I could share my story with. :) I'll miss my PDoc and RN, but am happy about switching to a psychopharmacologist.