Posted by iforgotmypassword on December 18, 2008, at 10:50:25
i am trying lamotrigine again. i have responded to it. it was far from ideal, but it helped. only it's activating effects did not last for long (days) and going off led to a whiplash of disco-ordination, increased impulsivity, and talking strangely. i felt as if everything i was doing was exaggerated. so i'm worried that in my case an issue of both developing a tolerance and going off anti-excitotoxic drugs leads to damage, as with alcohol, and how benzodiazepine use is correlated with even less long-term remission of tardive movement symptoms.
the activating and the umm, "feeling more in control and acting according to a present will" response to lamotrigine, how do i sustain it? do high doses above 300mg help this, or does that just cause adverse congnitive effects?
notes, so far: took 25mg 2x yesterday (decided on b.i.d. due to short-ish half life), did not notice much. likely will be increasing to 50mg b.i.d. soon, which my doctor is okay with.
(sorry if this is another messy post. i will reply to my thread above soon. i have a lot of trouble making my posts. long story short: he did not have any information on ziprasidone in the CPS or in any other of his books, he did not feel comfortable rx'ing it; he brought up nefazodone as he has before, a wierd drug (in relation to mCPP and 5-ht2c, mCPP possibly levels being dependant on enzyme genotype(s), SRI activity, and H1 affinity that is mentioned sometimes), but i would have to be able to make sure i can actually get it in the states somewhere. (i am under the impression that you may still be able to buy the generic.))