Posted by Quintal on October 19, 2008, at 15:20:47
I thought it would be more reliable than the 'Liquid Trust' perfume stuff. The bottle says it delivers 40 U.I. oxytocin per spray - that's about twice as much than what has been used in most of the studies. It's used in medicine so I would think it's fairly safe/reliable. It's normally used to help nursing mothers with breastfeeding, but there is some evidence that it promotes feelings of trust and bonding and reduces fear of social interaction.
I got my first dose yesterday as I was priming the pump. It went off in my face and I was engulfed in a cloud of it. I was a bit skeptical that enough could be absorbed this way, but it seemed to work straight away. My heart rate fell, my breathing slowed and I became my relaxed in myself. I felt pretty docile, but I went out to test it. Things didn't go any better than normal. I felt as if it was making me dumb and I was missing something. I felt more myself again once it started wearing off. I think it will take more testing to decide if it helps with social anxiety in the real world. I don't like what I've experienced so far. I felt afraid that I might say things I shouldn't in public. It seemed to rob me of the parts of my brain I use to find my way in the world.
The biggest benefit has been on sleep. I sprayed some onto my pillow last night and managed to get to sleep on half my usual dose of zopiclone. It seemed to help with the paranoia and feelings of uneasiness I get at night. It has been suggested that it might help people with Paranoid Schizophrenia. I felt safer than I have in a long time, but also a bit strange and disorientated. Is anyone else using oxytocin spray? I think Michael Bell was using it a few weeks ago.