Posted by bleauberry on January 30, 2008, at 18:40:38
In reply to Seroquel - does it really help anxiety..?, posted by jms600 on January 29, 2008, at 17:19:02
I think your med changes have a lot to do with it all. There is no way you can just stop remeron and not expect to have a fierce anxiety situation that even a low dose of seroquel is useless against, or maybe even a high dose for that matter.
Maybe a higher dose can work. I personally think it is foolish, risky, and begging for new problems that never previously existed, to prescribe an anitpsychotic for anxiety when something safer, simpler, and faster, and with decades of time in track records, and dirt cheap, could have been used. Like lorazepam, diazepam, alprazolam, or clonazepam.
Just my opinion, but I think antipsychotics should be reserved for cases where benzos are not manageable to do the trick. Benzos first. Antipsychotics last. Not vica versa.
Whatever. My doc prescribed seroquel for me during my intense anxiety period when withdrawing from prozac and zyprexa and switching over to lexapro. It was a scary time. Seroquel was of little help unless I took 50mg every 3 hours. But even then, it wasn't really antianxiety, it was more just drugged into a stupor.