Posted by Jimmyboy on October 29, 2007, at 13:52:57
About a month ago I took an intravenous dose of scopolamine hoping it would help my bipolar depression . ( Its in clinical trials for this) Well it did not help and it seems to have made some ( hopefully not permanent!!!) changes in my body.
Basically, I feel as if I have lost all creativity , feel real flat and have completely lost all sex drive ( which was strong before).
Now in the literature it says that scopolamine is a strong muscarinic antagonist, this has to do with the acetylcholine system.
Could getting a massive dose of an antagonist to this do something to the receptors for acetylcholine or what, I'm lost here . The study said that the effect of the drug could last from days to months... uh.. I hope it doesn't last many more months b/c this sucks.
By the way, it was definitely from this and this alone, it was very pronounced and immediate, so I know those symptoms have to do with this drug.Any tips to even things out and get back to normal would be greatly appreciated.