Posted by d0pamine on October 9, 2007, at 19:08:07
In reply to Re: Adderall/Catecholamines/Metanephrines, posted by War-Face on October 9, 2007, at 18:46:22
Your story is amazingly similar to mine, the closest I've seen in fact. Right down to the ephedrine to get through college. Your adrenals will recover in time. I find EMSAM to be almost as effective as adderall except really you basically feel "normal", instead of racy and stupid at the end of the day and its very flat, without the constant roller coaster of the pills. It's a great help with the motivational issues, but not to the extent that adderall is. It still requires some will to get things done with EMSAM where adderall pretty much does it all for you, but it's a really nice stepping stone and quite workable. Without any med, I'm basically a lump on the couch that sees no benefit in attempting to accomplish anything. EMSAM greatly helps this. If you're going to take something, I'd encourage you to give EMSAM a shot (I'm on the 12mg patch). I think your story mirrors mine close enough that you'll find it to be as useful as I do, and as long as you can still manage to get some sleep, it doesn't feel like its draining the life out of you while it does its work. It's not optimal, but it's bound to be a healthier alternative to adderall. The tough part will be the first 5 or 6 weeks as that's how long it takes to really get in gear, then it only gets better, but it almost immediately relieves the irresistible urge to sleep that withdrawing from adderall leaves you with. There are still some side effects, like the intense sugar cravings and libido increase and tendency toward insomnia, but I find them all quite manageable.