Posted by Squiggles on June 17, 2007, at 12:44:43
So here's a medical dilemma: I would be interested to hear from those who have medical experience or background, what would you do?
The patient suffering from major clinical depression, has been bounced around from drug to drug for 25 years. The drugs have left the patient exhausted, cognitively confused and burned out from withdrawals and switches from one psychiatric drug to another. Add to that, a very stressful life and job, and the patient has been driven to near-suicide from a tortuous medical experience.
Nevertheless, the dutiful doctor keeps tinkering with one drug after another, to no avail, and to greater harm.
Finally, the patient decides to drop all drugs, and take up exercise and art therapy for serious mental illness. The therapist promises to change the frustration behaviour which has accumulated over the years, by showing different ways of expressing frustration. The doctor thinks that might help. The patient loses about 80 lbs, develops hypomania, thinks Alzheimer's has struck, cardiac problems, and develops jaundice (a gall bladder operation occured some years before).
What would you do?