Posted by rjlockhart on June 4, 2007, at 16:54:10
Zoloft..........I was on Paxil for a week, dont ask what happened with me with it...
My doctor put me on Celexa a long time ago, it didnt work, then lexepro 10mg which i felt like a sloth on.
Prozac is energizing, mood, im more to "life". But after some days i dont take it i do notice a diffrence with my perception of life. I dont feel the agony of depression and just foggness. But it doesnt help with ADHD, it is stimulating but i cant focus with it like a med like focalin, adderall, or strattera. It actually makes me more crazyier when im trying to organize because it does something to my brain that makes me react quick. But i was on the beach on day and i said i felt just relief from depression, that foggness and that feeling of low energy was gone. I said in my mind "thank god for prozac".
Anyway i just thought i would share that.
I may start strattera, or wellbutrin with prozac.
For the ADHD part.