Posted by deniseuk190466 on June 4, 2007, at 9:09:30
On the 1st March after an awful christmas and New Year (with very suicidal feelings) the psychiatrist put me on 10mg of Lexapro a month later when I saw her I told her that the depression felt slightly better but I was still experiencing a lot of anxiety so she added on 5mg of Zyprexa.
I only took 2.5 Zyprexa with the lexapro which did help a lot with the anxiety but I still felt like I wasn't really looking forward to anything or enjoying anything then my psychiatrist rescheduled my next appointment for 12th June which was over two months away.
I went back to my GP and asked him (after checking with the psychiatrist first) to double the dose of the lexapro which he did.
I have tried taking 20mg of lexapro and added the zyprexa for about a week and then I figured that if the lexapro was really working properly then I wouldn't need the zyprexa so I tried stopping the Zyprexa and still the anxiety was there. Over the last week or so I've increased the lexapro to 40mg which seems to help with the anxiety I'm just sooooooo tired all the time and am constantly fighting tiredness so I know that the lexapro istn't working as it should. If it was working properly I'd be enjoying life again and be having more energy. The lexapro pretty much feels like the Seroxat did when it stopped working.
I want to tell the psychiatrist what I've been doing but I think she already thinks I'm a law unto myself and in her words "my own worst enemy" and I'm scared she'll refuse to continue to treat me.
Then you read stories where experts say that depression is not a biological or chemical illness and when the tablets work you can think "well think what you like because I'm feeling much better on medication" but when they don't you just end up more confused than ever.
I know that medication used to work for me and I know how I felt when I took it. I also know that having responded to it so well that after coming off it I never felt as bad as I had prior to taking it so in some ways the medication healed me (for a while anyway).