Posted by clint878 on March 19, 2007, at 10:57:20
I've gotten into a lively discussion with some people from the Methuluseh Mouse Prize ( One of the two mouse prizes is to be awarded to the first researcher who can successfully rejuvenate a mouse from old age back into health. The foundation also directly funds research with the end goal of curing aging (
While I certainly would like to live a long time, I disagree that research into curing aging should be placed as high a priority as members of that community would suggest.
I suggest instead that mental illness and other diseases that affect young people should be cured first before tackling aging. However, I was criticized on the grounds that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia do not cause sufficient suffering to humanity to be worth significant research.
I'm posting with the name "Mike" to hide my identity. I invite you to join in with the discussion, whatever your point of view, at