Posted by therealfuzzy on February 26, 2007, at 23:12:26
If anyone knows or is able to contact cockeyed please do and show him this note. Thank you
Hello cockeyed,
My name is Michael and I have to tell you how you made change. I am no Christian, I am not an automated response to get you to give out your personal information, I am an actual person who has felt something more than I can understand. I read your reply to a thread by mr. me and I, truthfully felt like you punch me in the face. I have been thinking alot about my friends and how they treat each other and how they think, I was extremely depressed due to things that happen to me on a regular basis, like my friend ignoring me and not talking to me because he says Im annoying, or like for instance I was sad because my other friend thinks Im gay and wont talk to me, due to some ridiculus photo that is me talking to him and we're both in our boxers, people just have been talking down to me alot like I'm an idiot just because I don't act liek them, I am called crazy everyday because I am really "silly" if you will, just making funny noises and laughing for no reason, I don't have a very "close" relationship with my parents and I barely talk to my 3 siblings, I have never had anything close to a relationship with a girl due to my youth being full of being the A.D.D kid ( I do not actually have any form of A.D.D or any mental illnes for that matter), the closest thing I have ever done to sexual with a girl is kiss one, once. my life for three years was full of getting drunk and high off of weed and sitting around trying to be what people thought was cool. I have lost all the friends I have ever had before high school due to the fact that i was the ONLY person to go to mine, at one point I did have exploratory gay experiences when I was very young but never since then, nothing that can be declared as homosexual, I hate when people compliment me and I find it impossible to compliment someone else at times, I have literally psychopathic thoughts sometimes and I feel devoid of emotion at others. When I read what you said to Mr. Me I literally had all of those things hit me in the face, every word you used. I cried, and yea I dont ever cry especially to a computer... lol. You made me realize that I dont have time to spend being depressed about things that should have happend or did, I dont have that time to spend not talking to my friends because Im mad at them for not talking to me, I really need to take what I can from life and live with my arms open to everything and anything. To tell you the truth I realize I have wasted big parts of my life dwelling on my lost friends and how bad things are when I should have been thinking about the memories, the good times, and how much I love living my life. I registered to this site to tell you this, to show you how much a change you created and to give what you truly deserve. I truly and fully respect you no matter who you are no matter what people think. I want to thank you one million times over, and I hope that someone else can take as much out of what you said as I did. You are one of the few people I would like to tell how great of a person they are for the first time ever and that I was completely lost in what I thought was the only way to think and live but you have given me my life back.
Thank You SO Much.
- Michael