Posted by temoigneur on October 21, 2006, at 3:38:15
In reply to Paging Larry Hoover - minimizing benzo tolerance, posted by temoigneur on October 21, 2006, at 1:18:29
Hi Ed Larry, Chairman Mao, Med Empowered, and anyone else.. I need to pull together in short order;-)for this one... can I probe you're collective wealth of biochemical information for advice on diminishing or ideally avoiding benzo, (klonopin) tolerance?
I know I sound like the drinker trying to stake out perpetual euphoria at one beer a day.. but unfortunately my alternatives.. after trying the full gamet of pharmaceuticals *except parnate and aripiprazole.. I'm either drugged into a zombie like state or dealing with enough anxiety that acquiring new information and day to day functioning is a struggle.
Can you bend some scienfitic laws for me and tell me what I might take or do to prevent tolerance to klonopin from building up so quickly. On Klonopin I'm relaxed, sociable, a bit of a ten, but it wears off so quickly.. and the dose seems to need to be increased almost exponentially. Where I started off on a new job.. able to get by on 5mg for a day or two, a couple weeks later, I must be up to 12-15mg/day.
I read that niacinamide was thought to have benzo like affects, and bought a bottle, but didn't really notice any benefit from one trial... could I be missing something there. I really loathe zyprexa and clomipramine but they're the only things that control my symptoms.. leaving me numb and vegetative.
I'm trying to follow the regimen Dr. hoffer suggested;
1000mg niacin t.i.d.
1000mg vit. c t.i.d.
1000ui vit D B.i.d.
200ui selenium morning
B clomplex 100
1000mg vit E t.i.d.
zinc 50 mg morning
N acetyl cysteine 1000mg t.i.d.Additionally, do you know of supplements or meds that are thought to help with benzo induced memory impairment... this makes aquiring any sort of new skill virtually impossible at it's worst. I guess I'm looking for something quick and powerful.... but... that's just me:)
Thank you