Posted by invisibleman15010 on August 21, 2006, at 16:52:13
Hi all,
I am not suggesting this at all, but in frustration of another one of many combinations not working for my depression and anxiety.....I dumped them all down the toilet last night...I am still on Klonopin. I was trying to reduce my dosage of each, waiting to hear from my Psy doc about ECT and the next move.....During a severe out of the blue crying jag....and looking at a print out from Walmart of the past three years of drug purchases.......I opened each bottle and flushed them away.....I am still alive, no reactions yet......of course I know they may come in the next few days...other than the ongoing depression, mind of mush, can't look ahead of the next least the meds will be out of my system........again, I am not suggesting this.....just had to put into writing my frustation from all of these meds, drug reps pushing poision on clinics and doctors, like street pushers selling to junkies......are we anti depressant junkies......the baby boomer age junky?