Posted by cymbaltaVictim on July 29, 2006, at 0:27:57
I have spent so many hours reading and researching how and how long it takes to withdraw from Cymbalta. I am so sick and it is extremely difficult to focus and sit here trying to find answers. I would appreciate someone summarizing how to come off and how long it will take. I have been trying to come off since July 11th, 2006.
Here is some background info:
I have been on Cymbalta for about a year taking 60mg and began trying to get off on July 11, 2006. In addition to Cymbalta I also take 450 mg of Wellbutrin, and 40 mg of Seroquil. The reasons I wanted to try to get off Cymbalta were weight gain, extreme constipation, unquenchable thirst, and complete 'outside-looking-in" conscientiousness. I gained about 20 lbs while I have been on Cymbalta and despite all my efforts to lose weight, using diet and exercise have been hopeless. I looked like I am about 4 months pregnant because all my weight went straight to my stomach.Starting on July 11th, I decided to try to take one capsule every 3 days. I have experienced all of the symptoms described throughout the threads on this site. Extreme fatigue, nausea, constipation, then diarrhea, brain zaps, migraines, sudden spells of crying, anger, aches, sharp pains in muscles and insides, back pain, bad dreams, severe itching, total inability to concentrate or do my work. On the 26th, I reduced the amount to 30mg every 3 days.
As I have read everyone's account, I keep hoping to find someone that has successfully made it through and could give us some idea of when to expect these symptoms to go away.
About 4 years ago, I was on Effexor and experienced similar withdrawal, however, not as extreme. This may have been due to the fact that I was prescribed a bunch of others to replace Effexor.
I desperately would like to be totally anti-depressant free. After being on them for 10 years and being prescribed every new one that comes out, I do not feel any better emotionally or physically.
I was not going to write because my story is like everyone else’s, but each post seems to add some bit of additional info. I just hope that someone is out there that can give hope these terrible feelings will go away!!!