Posted by C5 on July 28, 2006, at 13:09:41
In reply to Re: Valproate + Lamictal for BP2-doses, posted by SLS on July 28, 2006, at 11:20:41
> I really haven't looked into it enough to form an opinion. I see that there is some thought that low dosages are sufficient to stabilize mood in cyclothymia.
> I think it depends on how much of a problem mania is. Acute manic episodes usually require dosages of 1000mg and higher. I believe blood levels are usually kept in the range of 50-100 mcg/mL for prophylaxis. That probably translates into a dosage range of 750-1500mg.
> I am guessing from your questions that valproate 600mg monotherapy is not sufficient to treat your condition. Are you a rapid cycler? Can you describe your cycle and symptoms?
> - Scott
thanks again Scotyes,you have very well guessed : I am a rapid cycler, cycling between absolutely "normal" periods (of 2 or sometimes more weeks)and depressive ones(not the atypical type,but rather agitative and/or anxious)
These depre.periods last for approx.2-3 weeksthe hypo periods are significantly reduced in intensity mainly since being on Valproate ; I am also on 20mg Escitalopram which proved to be essential in my case as trying a monotherapy with just Lamictal has totally failed
for the time being,it seems that the most beneficial effect I have obtained from the MS(Valproate) and the AD(e.citalopram) administration,but some less benefit from Lamictal(100mg) ; this has been the reason for asking you about the Valproate dose thinking about a possibility that by eventually increasing a little the dose(up the 600mg),I shall face less cycling and automatically pass through less depress.phases being much more debilitating than the so called hypo(I am sure that you well know this aspect)