Posted by willyee on July 13, 2006, at 7:35:10
Just a random thought,please re-direct it,i dont even know how to go to social babble,which is where id maybe assume this post should go.
Anyway i just wanted to ask,or note,that one thing that kinda disturbs me a bit are sometimes,and this is on other groups as well,you have a person who is totaly not part of the community.
You dont see them occasionaly just to simply swing by and offer some advice,with no mention of there personal plight,but rather just show they are there,since they take from the groups.
Dont get me wrong,you do see the offer advice,but sure enough there is promised to be at least one,if not many of there own posts,about problems or help they need.I know there is nothing wrong with this as no one has to be a literal part of this community,but i dunno i kinda see it as a bad value to only pop around soley when u need to post information on yourself,answering a post or two then,only then,getting responses and dissapearing.
i also ,and again dont get me wrong,im in so much favor of anyone who succeeds in feeling better,but personaly if i am i take heed that im on a group where a large marjority of people are NOT,and i will be humble in sharing my success.I have the whole world to yell from the roof tops in bliss,but here id rather just share my success,and over showing a great ego i instead would rather use my success to present hope that getting better is an option.
Posting with great praise and stride just i dunno,i would feel as if im rubbing itin peoples faces,id remeber there are a lot,LOT of people suffering who are reading my post,and id share my success while being modest and humble in the hopes of encouraging the reader as opposed to making them feel like a broken toy.I dont know,i hope this is not taken the wrong way,again i am filled with joy when anyone,including myself,is feeling better,even if its a temp remission,but again with the sensativity and suffering on this group id choose to share it with all calm,and modesty,i wouldent wanna run around like a kid yelling NA NA NA NA IM OK NOW im th best on the block,the king of the block.
Anyone today is a day of remission,and rain looks far away,im off to make the most of it,please re-direct as needed,thanks in advance for doing so.