Posted by Glydin on June 1, 2006, at 23:35:19
In reply to Re: Strong comment, posted by willyee on June 1, 2006, at 23:01:08
I can understnd your reasons for feeling as you do. I believe our opinions are driven by our individual experiences. In some regard, they make up the filters in which we view situations.
My experiences have not been yours. I feel very comfortable with what the truth is for me and that is head meds have increased my quality of life and not decreased it. I've been fortunate to have a pdoc who I do believe knows more than I ever will or will ever care to.
I can't argue at all that "mode of action is unknown" is true of ALOT of meds. Not just head meds but for me, it's a plan that works and I believe we can ONLY absolutely know what's going on with ourselves.
We can get understandably militant, bitter, and frustrated - and I've had ALOT of years to cultive that attitute myself but it only served to diminsh and further decompensate me as I sought NO treatment for some of the very reasons that folks cite for hating and lamenting the treatments they were introduced to. Not being treated was not a good option for me. In the end, I think it boils down to needing good treatments that work.