Posted by willyee on May 6, 2006, at 20:41:21
Not that im interested in actualy using it or obtaining it,but reading on common augmentation drugs,i know most common are....Lithium,Lamictal,pindidol,and Thyoroid.
Im probuably speeling it wrong but the Thryroid,although i see it mentioned over and over as a augmentation possability,I HAVE NEVER EVER seen a single post of someone who had success with this method,is it me?
I think back on every group i can remeber,and have seen at least some postive responses from Lithium,Lamictal,to rev up ad`s but again aside from the recomendation have never seen someone say "Hey this worked" am i alone there?
Just curious.
P.S reading on one of the post,i personaly find the only way to get high off parnate is to take it in combination with something,then an escalting dose can defintaly worsen a high.HOWEVER simply taking more and more and more,well personaly would imagine it just making me sick to the point of wanting to puke,of course im not speaking of a high dose in a single setting,rather spread through the day.
Now u combine it with the wrong drug,and notice a weird effect,and continue to escalte the dose,then you better believe u will get high,and the comeo down is hideous!Jusy my experiance.Parnate if anything for me is of a chemical dependance not a recreational or rnjoyable addiction at all.